Thursday, October 22, 2009

Peacock Nights II

How can I not bestow upon you
the choicest adjectives
the oldest of nouns –
The burn-burn, the sing-sing
And all that is sensed with mirror sounds.

How can I not leave upon you
the marks of my longing
my sleepless dawns -
The moon-moon, the sun-sun
And all that is sucked into your bottomless yawns.

How can I not rest upon you
this marble head, these deadened arms
this bag of bones, this fallow farm -
The hum-hum, the sting-sting
And all that crawls in its wicked warmth.

1 comment:

S. Susan Deborah said...

Liked the moon-moon, sun-sun, hum-hum, sting-sting . . .