Wednesday, December 1, 2010

For the spider to spawn


Truth be told
there is nothing more to do now
but lie in silence side by side
and watch the workings of a spider's spindly legs
high up in the raftered ceiling, rappel slowly
by an invisible thread
right into our open mouths.

Mouths, we were intimate with once
Our mouths of frenzy
Our mouths of joy
Scarlet mouths
Our mouths of blood
Bee-stung, ferocious once.
Now ashen, watching spiders
spindle their webs, exhorting

Weave! Weave!
You monster!
Gag us with your silk!
Choke us from within!
And Spin!

For truth be told
there is nothing more to do now
but wait for the spider to spawn.



Siyaah said...

Wow! The metaphor of the spider spinning webs across mouths is very potent...

But I wonder what it really stands for...perhaps more than one idea...

Arfi said...


These were in mind at the time,

animated by ... a number of things ... none of them good.