Tuesday, October 20, 2009

On the Beach

A sea, A moon, A rose. Boats,
blundering boats.

Tossing, hither, thither,
Riding waves,
Fluorescent green.

The roving eye of the light house.
A wind
, I don't know;
, that yields;
, false;
, bare;
And the night
, endless.


S. Susan Deborah said...

Independent commas beginning the sentence. Error or poetic license.
Am reminded of Mark Twain.
He scarcely used punctuation. His editor told him that he has not used punctuation so asked him to punctuate and return the draft. Twain returns the next day and hands a paper to the editor. The paper had an assortment of punctuation marks. Twain told his editor: "Here are the punctuation marks, use them wherever you want to."

Arfi said...

Well yes, it's intentional.
And interesting anecdote there. thanks!